Performance management
- National Archives Performance Management Policy will apply to all employees.
The Performance Management Policy is underpinned by principles for a fair and effective APS performance management system, including:
408.1 linking individual performance to National Archives’ business outcome, strategic priorities and capabilities;
408.2 determining incremental advancement within a classification;
408.3 providing a mechanism for two-way feedback between manager and employees;
408.4 identifying and supporting learning and development opportunities;
408.5 providing for realistic and measurable performance measures;
408.6 ensuring feedback is conducted with a ‘no surprises’ principle.
The Performance Management Scheme operates over a 12-month cycle, with formal mid-cycle and end of cycle reviews. Under the scheme, incremental advancement within a classification range will be based on the final performance review rating subject to an assessment period of at least six months (see clause 31 for eligibility). The following will apply:
409.1 A performance rating of 5 (Exceptional) will mean accelerated progression to the pay point two above their current pay point (if available to the employee in the classification range).
409.2 A performance rating of 4 (Exceeds expectations) will mean progression to the next pay point (if available to the employee in the classification range).
409.3 A performance rating of 3 (Fully effective) will mean progression to the next pay point (if available to the employee in the classification range).
409.4 A performance rating of 2 (Requires development) will mean no change to pay point.
409.5 Following a performance rating of 1 (Not satisfactory), the unsatisfactory performance provisions of the scheme will apply, and will include no change to the pay point.
- Incremental advancement, through pay points, will take effect on the first pay day in September following the performance assessment.
Managing unsatisfactory performance
- Where work performance issues are identified, the manager and employee will work constructively together to address the issues fairly and promptly as they arise, applying natural justice and procedural fairness principles. The employee will be given assistance and the opportunity to improve their performance to a satisfactory level in accordance with the performance management policy.
These provisions do not apply where:
412.1 non-ongoing employees are within two months of the expiration of their period of employment;
412.2 employees on probation;
412.3 action is being taken under the Code of Conduct procedures;
412.4 there is a health-related reason for the unsatisfactory performance; or
412.5 an essential qualification has been lost.
- Where performance consistently falls below the required standard despite attempts to improve performance under the relevant policy, through a performance improvement plan, including development options, the following clauses 414-420 will apply.
The manager will provide the employee with a written warning on the need for their performance to improve. The warning will specify:
414.1 the acceptable standard of work;
414.2 how the employee’s work does not meet the standard; and
414.3 that the performance will need to improve over the next three months, or a lesser period as agreed (assessment period).
- During the assessment period, the manager and employee will meet regularly to assess the employee’s performance. The manager will prepare a progress report on the performance. The employee must be given the opportunity to provide comment on the manager’s progress report.
- If the employee has met the expected standard of performance at the end of the assessment period, no further action will be taken.
If at the end of the assessment period, the employee’s performance fails to meet the expected standard, the Director-General may issue a notice of Intention to:
417.1 re-assign duties;
417.2 reduce the employee’s classification;
417.3 terminate the employee on the grounds of unsatisfactory performance; or
417.4 extend the plan.
- The employee will have seven calendar days to show cause why this action should not be taken. The Director-General has the discretion to extend this period in special circumstances.
- The Director-General, having considered any representation submitted, may affect the reassignment of duties at the same or reduced classification level of the employee or extend the plan or issue a notice of termination.
- Where they choose to do so, employees may seek the assistance of a support person at any stage of the above process.
- National Archives recognises the importance of employees balancing their work and personal life. While it is acknowledged that at times it may be necessary for some extra hours being worked by some employees, this should be regarded as the exception rather than the rule.
- When determining workloads for an employee or group of employees, National Archives will consider the need for employees to strike a balance between their work and personal life.
- Where an employee or group of employees raise that they have experienced significant workload pressures over a prolonged period of time, National Archives and employee/s together must review the employees’ workloads and priorities and determine appropriate strategies to manage the impact on the employee or group of employees.
Study assistance
- Study assistance is available for eligible employees to undertake formal courses of study at tertiary and higher education institutions and other vocational education courses, where the study is agreed to and relevant to the business requirements of National Archives and the Australian Public Service.
- National Archives is committed to supporting the careers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees as part of the government-wide agenda of ‘Closing the Gap’, which aims to create respectful and supportive relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. National Archives provides additional study assistance for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees to undertake their study.
- National Archives is committed to supporting the careers of diverse groups of employees including people with disability, employees from culturally diverse backgrounds and/or those experiencing hardship. National Archives provides additional study assistance for these employees to undertake their study.
- Further information on Study Assistance, including additional study assistance support can be found in the study assistance guidelines.
Learning and development
- The National Archives will build capability through openness to new ideas, regular and constructive feedback and a strong commitment to developing all employees to their full potential by providing a range of learning and development opportunities and recognising the importance of supporting the development of employees.
- Learning and development may include training, attendance at conferences, workshops and seminars, cross-training and other development activities which support an employee’s current role as well as career progression within the National Archives and the Australian Public Service. This can be either agency mandated learning and development, or activities at the employee’s initiative, and may or may not have a cost attached. It is separate to study assistance and performance management related training.
- Supervisors will genuinely consider learning and development requests on a case-by-case basis, with a bias towards approving reasonable requests, taking into consideration budget and operational requirements.
- The Director-General (or delegate) may approve the reasonable reimbursement of professional memberships or accreditation where it is determined that the membership or accreditation is a necessary requirement of the employee’s role or is relevant to the National Archives’ priorities.