Army – Second World War: 1939-45

The National Archives holds the service records of Australians who served with the Army in the Second World War (WWII).

Service records

We hold the following records of Second World War service:

What's in WWII Army service records?

Army records from WWII usually include:

  • attestation (enlistment) form, setting out personal details such as age, next of kin and former occupation
  • service and casualty form (Form B103), giving details about units and postings, injuries and disciplinary charges
  • discharge form, summarising the person's service (not included in all cases)
  • head-and-shoulders photograph may be included
  • other documents or correspondence sometimes included

Find and view a Second World War service record online

WWII Army service records in Series B883 and B884 have been digitised. These are free to view and download on RecordSearch. Use the NameSearch tab to find an individual member. Use the 'help' tab for questions.

View an original record

You can view a WWII service record in the National Archives Canberra Research Centre.

If you wish to view a service record, please submit a request to view records form before visiting the Research Centre.

If the record is 'open' or 'open with exception', your request can be processed in 5 business days. Records which are still 'not yet examined' need clearance before they can be publicly viewed. This can take up to 90 business days, so please submit your request well in advance of your visit.

You can also ask us a question about accessing records.


Service records may include reference to service medals.

However, service records may not include information about which service medals a person was entitled to, or if they were ever issued.

Defence Honours and Awards can help with such enquiries:

Department of Defence

Phone: 1800 333 362

Medals are generally only 'reissued' to a service person or their next-of-kin if the medal has never been issued.

You can buy replicas of medals that have been issued from medal makers. Look for medal makers in your local Yellow Pages, or Google 'Medals'.

Pension information and entitlements

For information about pensions and entitlements, please contact the Veterans' Affairs Network.

Phone: 133 254 or 1800 555 254