Administrative Arrangements Orders

Administrative Arrangements Orders (AAOs) formally allocate executive responsibility among ministers. They set out which matters and legislation are administered by which department or portfolio. AAOs are re-issued or amended to take into account changes in the structure of government. The information hosted here is for historical purposes only.

The following AAOs are grouped by Prime Minister and listed by the date (descending) on which they were ordered by the Governor-General (on the advice of the Prime Minister).

Scott Morrison (2018-)

Malcolm Turnbull (2015-18)

Tony Abbott (2013-15)

Julia Gillard (2010-13)

Kevin Rudd (2007-10 and 2013)

John Howard (1996-2007)

Paul Keating (1991-96)

Robert Hawke (1983-91)

Malcolm Fraser (1975-83)

Gough Whitlam (1972-75)

William McMahon (1971-72)

John Gorton (1968-71)

John McEwen (1967-68)

There were no Administrative Arrangements Orders issued during John McEwen's tenure as Prime Minister.

Harold Holt (1966-67)

Robert Menzies (1939-41 and 1949-66)

Ben Chifley (1945-49)

Francis Forde (1945)

There were no Administrative Arrangements Orders issued during Francis Forde's tenure as Prime Minister.

John Curtin (1941-45)

Arthur Fadden (1941)

There were no Administrative Arrangements Orders issued during Arthur McFadden's tenure as Prime Minister.

Earle Page (1939)

There were no Administrative Arrangements Orders issued during Earle Page's tenure as Prime Minister.

Joseph Lyons (1932-39)

James Scullin (1929-32)

Stanley Melbourne Bruce (1923-29)

William Hughes (1915-23)

Joseph Cook (1913-14)

There were no Administrative Arrangements Orders issued during Joseph Cook's tenure as Prime Minister.

Andrew Fisher (1908-09, 1910-13 and 1914-15)

Alfred Deakin (1903-04, 1905-08 and 1909-10)

George Reid (1904-1905)

Chris Watson (1904)

There were no Administrative Arrangements Orders issued during Chris Watson's tenure as Prime Minister .

Edmund Barton (1901-03)