Evidence law in Australia


Practice relating to documents as evidence in legal proceedings in Australia is complicated and varies according to jurisdiction.

If the legal proceeding is in a federal court (that is, the High Court, Federal Court, Family Court or the Federal Magistrates Court) or an ACT court, the Commonwealth Evidence Act applies1. The New South Wales, Tasmanian and Victorian Evidence Acts generally mirror the Commonwealth Evidence Act and its admissibility requirements. In other jurisdictions, the laws of evidence may vary.

Some provisions of the Commonwealth Evidence Act also apply in State and Territory legal proceedings in relation to some documents. Commonwealth legislation (for example, the Archives Act 1983, Freedom of Information Act 1982, Privacy Act 1988 and Crimes Act 1914, has provisions about documents that may relate to their use in evidence. State or Territory legislation, policies and standards may also apply.

1 Rules of evidence for the Federal Magistrates Court are contained in Part 15 of the Federal Magistrates Court Rules 2001. Certain Evidence Act provisions do not usually apply to child-related proceedings (Section 69ZT of the Family Law Act).