Your agency should have business systems that create and manage information assets, and can capture information about records.
Examples of systems include:
- business systems that create, keep and manage business information, such as finance systems, personnel systems, workflow systems
- electronic document and records management systems
- network drives
- physical management systems
- shared systems between government agencies
- Microsoft 365
- artificial intelligence (AI) systems.
Any systems that manage information and records need to ensure that the contents:
- can be proven to be genuine, accurate and trusted
- are complete and unaltered
- are findable and readable
- are secure from unauthorised access, alteration and deletion
- relate to other relevant records.
Improving business system capability
Before your agency purchases a system or reviews existing systems, you should consider your information and records management requirements.
The Business System Assessment Framework provides Australian Government agencies with a consistent, streamlined and risk-based approach to the assessment of information management functionality in business systems and compliance with metadata standards. It is consistent with Part 1 of International standard AS/NZS ISO 16175, Processes and functional requirements for software for managing records.
The Business System Assessment Framework will enable your agency to better manage its business information through:
- assessing information and data risks and values
- identifying the systems functionality required to manage information and data appropriately
- providing solutions to address gaps in a system's ability to manage information and data, and
- ensuring greater accountability and transparency.