Letter of reply to W Abourizk.

Letter of reply to W Abourizk.
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Letter of reply to W Abourizk.
Letter of reply to W Abourizk.
[Page 1.]
Department of External Affairs.
No. 10/1092.
Melbourne, 13th June, 1910.
In continuation of my letter of the 11th March, acknowledging yours of the 10th January, I have the honour, by direction, to inform you that the Minister has given very careful consideration to the questions contained therein, relating to the admission of Syrians to the Commonwealth and though he is not prepared to issue any general direction which would authorize the unrestricted admission of people of that race he is willing to consider on their merits applications for admission of Syrians of special qualifications or closely related to persons already resident in the Commonwealth.
2. It must, however, be clearly understood that in all such cases applications must be submitted to and approved by the Minister before the persons concerned come to Australia.
3. As regards the suggestions to establish some kind of commercial agency in Syria with a
[Addressed to:] Mr. W. Abourisk,
[Page] 2.
view to the development of trade the Minister appreciates your endeavors in that regard but is not prepared at the present time to take any action in the direction desired.
4. The whole question of the appointment of Commercial Representatives of the Commonwealth is receiving attention and it is not considered desirable to deal with any particular cases separately.
I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant,
[Blank space for signature.]
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