Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that the National Archives' website and collection contain the names, images and voices of people who have died.
Some records include terms and views that are not appropriate today. They reflect the period in which they were created and are not the views of the National Archives.
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[Underlined heading in elaborate font:] “Australia Unlimited”
[Large text:] “The ‘White Australia’ Policy is not possible for any definite period of time without Effective Occupation.”
THIS opinion is freely shared by all thinking Australians. The question of Effective Occupation, if the Commonwealth is to be preserved, must be solved.
Nothing but the boldest policy of immigration and development can place us beyond the ever-present danger of being overwhelmed or partitioned. In order to avoid adding another pitiful act to the terrible tragedy of “The Weaker Nations” we must fill our Great Wastes as rapidly as we can.
If we are to be a strong rather than the weakest link in the chain of Empire, we must hasten our growth by every possible means.
The more white people we attract to our shores during the next ten or twenty years the better it will be for our future.
The time for idleness has gone –
[Underlined red text:] The Hour of Action is Now!
Australia has already received significant warning that she is not keeping step in the Forward March of Nations.
[Page 2]
GIVEN the most complete scheme of immigration and an ever-active campaign of national advertisement, entailing an even greater expenditure than Canada has put forward in making known her resources – this Outpost of Empire will be fortunate if it is given a sufficient time to carry out its policy of [bold red text] Effective Occupation. [end bold.]
A mere handful of White People cannot expect to continue much longer in undisturbed possession of undeveloped fields of riches within easy reaching distance of the World’s teeming centres of population.
Unless the most strenuous efforts are now made to fill our [bold red text] Unoccupied Lands [end bold] there is a tremendous danger that our cherished ideals of an Australian Nationhood, with general prosperity and just government, will be trampled underfoot, never again to take healthy root in Australian soil.
The possibilities of Australian Expansion, the inducements which Australia offers to [bold red text] Millions of White People [end bold are deserving of the widest publicity.
In the light of this fact, Messrs. George Robertson and Co. Propy. Ltd. Have undertaken to produce and distribute a splendid illustrated volume of 750 royal quarto pages, entitled
[bold red text in elaborate font:] “Australia Unlimited,” [end bold]
which will be in reality a Book with a Mission.
The main objective of the volume is to freely place [underlined in blue pen] before the world [end underline] [bold red text] the Attractions of Australia [end bold] as they have not yet been presented.
Hitherto Australians themselves have failed in a great measure to form an adequate conception of their own country, its necessities and its possibilities.
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WHILE recognising the value of certain official literature, which is mainly of a statistical character, the publishers of “Australia Unlimited” believe that there is a [bold red text] Romance of Facts [end bold] outside the necessarily restricted form of the ordinary guide, handbook, pamphlet, or work of reference.
The actual life of the Commonwealth, the conditions of its people, its boundless resources, its expanding industries, the vivid story of [bold red text] “Australia as it is” [end bold] in capable hands, make a splendid and attractive volume; as interesting and instructive to Australians as to the English-speaking world beyond our circling seaward boundaries.
In printing, illustration, binding, and general get-up, the publishers desire that it shall be [bold red text] the Best that Australia can do, [end bold] and Australia can acquit herself creditably in most things.
Altogether, “Australia Unlimited” will be the most important Book yet published in the Commonwealth. Every chapter will be as readable as a magazine article.
The Author has already spent five years upon the main structure of the Book.
[Underlined in blue pen] It is a patriotic effort to [end underline] present in a cheerful literary fashion, among other things, convincing pictures of the great southern continent; to give a vivid impression of our National Life, Character, and Industries, and to describe the…
[Bold red text] Natural Resources of the Commonwealth. [end bold]
Each State will be independently treated, and the work must prove of infinite service in forwarding State and Federal Schemes of Immigration.
The internal and external expansion of Australian industry concerns every citizen, but, in the description of Industrial Australia no display
[Page 4]
advertisements, or dry technical matter will be included. Those pages will tell the bright and interesting story of how things are made and done in Australia, and how the People who make and do are housed and paid and live and have their being.
Australian Products and Manufactures will receive special attention, and an Index to local Australian Manufactures is included.
Ours is a country of undeveloped opportunities. This Book will focus the literary lime-light on [bold red text] Australia’s Chances. [end bold]
Such important national questions as Irrigation, Closer Settlement, Agricultural, Pastoral, and General Production, Distribution, Transport, Export and Investment, will be specially treated; but no mere statements as to these matters will be allowed to make dull pages. Each subject will be invested with a living human interest. The whole volume is to be reflective of the best efforts and highest ideals of the people of Australia.
[Bold red text] George Robertson & Co. Propy. Ltd. [end bold] invite the co-operation of the Commercial Interests of Australia, and trust that the projected publication will receive a general support.
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