Stronger senior leadership team
We are a senior leadership team (the Senior Executive and Executive-level cohort) that exemplifies APS and National Archives values and genuinely connects with and inspires you.
Actions | Completion |
1. Progress a Senior Executive Service communication series with a greater focus on collective sharing of agency-wide strategic direction and own professional development. | Embed through 2024-25 |
2. Assistant directors-general (and, where operationally required, Executive Level 2s) schedule time to work in other offices, and time to connect meaningfully with their teams within budget availability. | Embed through 2024-25 |
3. Embed the APS Senior Executive Service Performance Leadership Framework through the first yearly cycle. | July 2025 |
4. Leaders role-model APS Values and National Archives 'Our Values' and recognise people who exemplify values and lead and act with integrity. | Embed through 2024-25 |
5. Publish Executive Board outcomes on the intranet for transparency of decision making. Workers are notified of release via the next available Archival connection newsletter. | Within 10 days of the Executive Board |
6. Assistant directors-general to discuss Executive Board meeting outcomes in more detail with directors who cascade information to staff. | At the next available catch-up |
7. Individual work plan template will be updated to include expectations for managers/supervisors to share and cascade information. | December 2024 |
Prioritised workloads for better health and wellbeing
We prioritise our work program, so you are working on the most important tasks, have the right amount of work to do and teams are appropriately resourced for the volume and complexity of their work.
Actions | Completion |
1. Executive Board allocates branch and section resourcing with consideration to agency pressures, priorities and projects. | Monthly |
2. Employees understand how the Corporate plan and strategy establish agency priorities. Agency, branch and section plans align to these priorities. | Induction – every 3 mths All staff information – Dec 2024 |
3. The prioritisation model is implemented to evaluate the relative value and workload of (non-business as usual) projects across National Archives. | November 2024 |
4. The health and wellbeing of our employees drives how we approach our work. We will support and promote employees accessing what we offer. | Ongoing |
5. Individual work plans are updated to prompt 2-way conversations for the management of health and wellbeing while managing the agreed workload and achieving outcomes. | December 2024 |
Access to contemporary tools and resources
We continue to enhance the tools available to you to get the best job done.
Actions | Completion |
1. Create a register of tools and resources required for roles within each section. Register of available, not available and under review digital tools is created to provide transparency and greater choice for sections on what tools they have access to complete their work. | April 2025 |
2. Identification of the tools, resources and access required by staff when assigned to a new role. | November 2025 |
One-Archives approach to working with each other
We empower you to make decisions, connect with the right person/people early in your work and make decisions together.
Actions | Completion |
1. Continued roll-out of SharePoint with 'task-based' and 'who does what' content. | Ongoing |
2. Project management procedures are reviewed and updated to identify and engage with stakeholders early and ensure procedures are relevant for new programs/projects. | December 2024 |
3. Project management will focus on the importance of stakeholder identification, relationships, consultation and communication. | April 2025 |
4. Corporate information session on delegations and authorisations. | December 2024 |
5. Activities that are important to our people and foster the development of relationships of our people are supported. | Ongoing |
Download the 2024 Agency action plan
2024 Agency action plan (PDF 128 KB)