Archival quality paper and board products


National Archives of Australia has suspended its Material Testing Service until the end of 2024.

The National Archives of Australia has developed specifications for a range of archival quality paper and board products. These specifications exceed the Standards Australia, American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) requirements for permanent paper. Manufacturers who produce paper and board products that meet our standard are permitted to use the NAA's 'Q Infinity' registered trademark in association with the product.

The registered trademark is incorporated as a watermark in papers, for other products it can be printed on the product or the packaging in the manner set out on this website. If a supplier does not meet the requirements for use of our trademark either on application or at a later date then the National Archives reserves the right to withdraw that permission.

Papers and boards produced according to our specifications have properties, including strength, alkalinity and fibre purity that will ensure they remain usable in excess of 500 years.

Products that are of a quality to bear the registered trademark include paper, folders and boxes. Suppliers of these products are listed on our website from time to time. However, this does not represent an endorsement by the National Archives of Australia of suppliers. It is not a requirement under the Commonwealth Procurement Rules for agencies to use suppliers from the below list when sourcing archival products. Although the National Archives conducts a review of the list periodically we cannot provide any guarantee that this list will always be up to date. You can contact us at 02 6212 6217 to confirm the status of a supplier.


Archival Survival Pty Ltd 

PO Box 1139 

Doncaster East VIC 3109 

Tel: 1300 781 199 

Fax: 1300 781 146 



Conservation Resources Pty Ltd 

PO Box 210 

Enmore NSW 2042 

Tel: 1300 651 408  

Fax: 1300 651 406  



Preservation Australia Pty Ltd 

PO Box 210 

Enmore NSW 2042 

Tel: 1300 651 408 

Fax: 1300 651 406 



Zetta Florence Pty Ltd 

9–13 Villas Road 

Dandenong South VIC 3175 

Tel: 1300 555 124 

Fax: 1300 555 024 



Further advice

Contact the Agency Service Centre.