How does a bicycle come to be covered in rainbow crochet? What does this have to do with a prime minister?
Curriculum links
Year 7 Civics and Citizenship - AC9HC7K05
Year 7 and 8 Visual Arts – AC9AVA8E01, AC9AVA8D02
Year 8 Civics and Citizenship - AC9HC8K01, AC9HC8K05, AC9HC8K06
Year 9 Civics and Citizenship - AC9HC9K05, AC9HC9K06, AC9HC9S01
Year 9 and 10 Visual Arts – AC9AVA10E01, AC9AVA10D02
Pre-viewing questions
- Do you know how to knit or crochet? Is there somebody in your family who does?
- Have you heard of 'yarn bombing' before? Pretend you are playing charades – how would you act out 'yarn bombing'?
- 'Yarn bombing' is the act of covering objects or structures in public places with knitted or crocheted material. Have you seen any 'yarn bombs' before? How would you feel if you came across one? Why do you think 'yarn bombers' do what they do?
- Examine the image below. As a class, take it in turns to share one thing that you notice about it. Keep going until you have described the image in detail together.
- What questions do you have about this object? With a partner, come up with at least 3 things that you’d like to know about it.

Eloise 'Treble Maker' Murphy, Love wheels, 2017. National Museum of Australia. Photographer George Serras.
Post-viewing questions
- Eloise Murphy created Love Wheels to make a statement about the 2017 Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey. In this survey, Australians were asked whether the law should be changed to allow same-sex couples to get married. What features of Love Wheels show what Eloise wanted to say about this issue? Overall, do you think the bike was effective at getting her message across?
- What did Eloise think would happen to Love Wheels after she chained it outside the Prime Minister's house? Why do you think the Prime Minister chose to keep the bike safe and then donate it to the National Museum of Australia?
- Images of Love Wheels went viral on social media in 2017 – this helped spread Eloise's message to audiences across Australia. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media to raise awareness for an issue?
- Recently, influencers have been criticised for staging random acts of kindness on platforms like TikTok. In this genre of video, they might film themselves giving flowers to a stranger or paying for their groceries, and then post the stranger's reaction online. Do you think these videos are genuine random acts of kindness? Why or why not? What are the similarities and differences between these videos and Eloise's random acts of (crochet) kindness?