In this video, Erfan, Seraphin, Sofia, Noonee and Joseph share their impression of Australia and how the experience of migration caused them to reflect on culture and family.


  1. Finish this sentence: 'to me, culture is ...' Share your response with your small group. What similarities and differences do you see in your understandings of culture?
  2. What aspects of Australian culture stood out to the migrants in this video? Have you also noticed these things about Australian culture, or did their observations surprise you?
  3. Navigating a new culture can be difficult. Identify a challenge faced by one of the migrants in the video and discuss why it stood out to you.


  1. There are a lot of different factors that impact our identity, including our family and our culture. Draw an identity map to illustrate who you are. You might like to view these mind map examples to help you get started.
  2. Every family has a culture. Write about a time when you got to interact with someone else's family. Describe what stood out to you about this family's culture and reflect on why you think you noticed these things.