This is one of several reports on matters concerning the security of Prime Minister McMahon's family between 1971 and 1973.

This is one of several reports on matters concerning the security of Prime Minister McMahon's family between 1971 and 1973.
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This is one of several reports on matters concerning the security of Prime Minister McMahon's family between 1971 and 1973.
This is one of several reports on matters concerning the security of Prime Minister McMahon's family between 1971 and 1973.
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[Handwritten at the top of the page in blue pen:] CONFIDENTIAL
[Handwritten in blue pen:] 71/9346
[Heading:] INCIDENT REPORT – Escort of Mrs. McMAHON on Thursday, 29 July 1971
The Officer-in-Charge,
I have to report that on Thursday, 29th July 1971 at Lane Cove, N.S.W. students from the University of New South Wales attempted to kidnap Mrs. McMAHON, their reason being to raise funds for the Children’s Hospital, Camperdown, N.S.W. The following is a resume of the incident:
2. On Thursday, 29th July 1971, in company with Constable 1st Class I. HAY, I proceeded to the Domestic Terminal, Sydney Airport and at 10.00 a.m. Mrs. McMAHON arrived from Melbourne on Ansett Flight 10. She was escorted to “ANITA’S” Ladies Hairdressing Salon, West Lane Cove shopping centre, corner Burns Bay and Cullen Roads, Lane Cove. Mrs. McMAHON entered the salon at about 11.00 a.m. (we were not aware of Mrs. McMAHON’s destination until we arrived at Lane Cove).
3. About 1.00 p.m. two motor cycles [sic] each carrying a pillion passenger, and Holden Station Sedan, Registration No. AWH-855, were seen to stop in the parking area adjacent to the shoppint [sic] complex. One of the persons who alighted from the Station Sedan (Colin KIPPAX), was carrying a toy machine carbine.
4. Constable HAY proceeded to the entrance of the hairdressing salon and I spoke to the persons who had alighted from the three vehicles. By this time approximately thirteen persons were there. After I ascertained that they were students and that KIPPAX, Colin, 7/26 Boronia Street, Kingsford, and NASSER, George, 35 Dalton Street, Condell Park were the spokesmen, I requested all those present with the exception of the spokesmen, to leave the area, which they did.
5. I then spoke to KIPPAX who informed me that he was from the University of New South Wales and was a member of the Foundation Day Committee of that institution. The reason for the students being at Lane Cove was to speak to Mrs. McMAHON. It was hoped that she would accompany his party to the University as a hostage as a fund raising prank for the Children’s Hospital, Camperdown.
6. In the meantime, Constable HAY informed Headquarters of the situation, and arrangements had been made to have reinforcements from this District and the State Police attend the area.
7. When questioned as to how he knew Mrs. McMAHON’s whereabouts, KIPPAX said that an anonymous phone call had been received at the University switchboard about 12.30 p.m. advising of Mrs. McMAHON’s whereabouts. He could not, or would not, elaborate further on this.
8. I then spoke to Mrs. McMAHON, and after being apprised of the situation, she intimated that owing to her tight schedule she would not accompany the students to the University but would talk to the spokesmen, and that she would make a donation to the enterprise. She asked me to speak to the spokesman along these lines, and said that she would phone the Prime Minister in Canberra to obtain his views on the matter.
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9. Prior to speaking to the spokesman I spoke to Constable 1st Class HUGHES (Lane Cove Police) as he was the senior member of the State Police in attendance in the area, and told him of the situation.
10. I then had a conversation with KIPPAX. It was agreed that should Mrs. McMAHON pay any money to him by way of a ransom that he would immediately contact the members of the Foundation Day Committee at the University of New South Wales, inform them that the ransom had been paid, and arrange that no further escapade would be perpetrated against Mrs. McMAHON.
11. On returning to the hairdressing salon at Mrs. McMAHON’s request, I spoke to the Prime Minister by telephone. He was assured that his wife was in no danger from the students and all necessary precautions had been taken for her protection. He agreed that his wife should pay the sum of $10.00 ransom to the student leaders.
12. At about 1.35 p.m. in company with Constable 1st Class HAY, Mrs. McMAHON was escorted from the hairdressing salon. She than had a conversation with KIPPAX and NASSER and handed KIPPAX the sum of $10.00.
13. During Mrs. McMAHON’s conversation with the spokesman the incident was recorded by a cameraman from Channel
10. When spoken to the cameraman stated that he was driving along Burns Bay Road when he noticed police in attendance at the shopping centre. He parked his car and proceeded to the area where he saw Mr. McCLEAR and recognised him as the Prime Minister’s driver. Realising that there may be an incident, he stayed in the area.
14. It was later learned from McCLEAR that he overheard a male person at the dry cleaning shop situated in the shopping area, say to the cameraman, “You got my name and address all right”, an assumption from this conversation being that this person phoned Channel 10 to report the presence of police in the area.
15. Just prior to Mrs. McMAHON leaving the area, Sergeant WRIGHT and Constable GANNELL arrived. As Mrs. McMAHON was proceeding to David Jones Store, Market Street, Sydney, from Lane Cove, arrangements were made for cars 1, 20 and one State Police vehicle to escort her vehicle to that area. After shopping at David Jones, Mrs. McMAHON returned to her residence at Bellevue Hill. There were no further incidents.
[Handwritten signature:] A. Neate
Senior Constable [underlined]
[Addressed to:] The Commissioner,
CANBERRA. [underlined] A.C.T.
Forwarded for information.
[Handwritten signature:] A J Watt
(A. J. WATT)
Superintendent 1st Class
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