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COPY [underlined]
Palmerston North,
New Zealand.
17th July, 1952.
Dear Mahomad & Mrs. Allum,
I did get a shock when I read your “Truth” paper last night, saying that you were leaving Australia. I cannot think how I will get on without your treatments, the Allum Bar, Tablets, and eye-drops mean such a lot to me, will it be possible to get some from you when you go to Afghanistan? It is awful my just thinking of myself after you have been so good all these years, but I just can’t think how I can get along without your wonderful medicines.
For yourself, it must be a great happiness going home to your own country after all these years. It is something wonderful for Mrs. Allum to look forward to, and for Babe Nora, what a wonderful time. She must be a lovely girl now, fancy her in sixth grade, she will finish that before you leave. I think you are wise to take her to your own country to mature. Her contacts in education from now on may not have been beneficial to her, to accomplish the end you have in view of passing to her all your wonderful knowledge for the benefit of suffering humanity, she will be able to absorb the knowledge and do more for mankind and thus for herself and God in your own country. She may come back to help us as you have done. God will bless you all for you have been so good.
It seems terrible your leaving Australia after all these years, a lifetime in the interests of humanity, helping suffering mankind, and God alone knows how extensive that has been, that you should be leaving without the acknowledgement, gratitude and honours Australia should have given you,& you should have received a title from the Government, not that this means very much judging by some people who receive them, but it would have been one way of saying “Thank you”, because money does not mean much to you, but gratitude is an obligation, for it seems to me that no one in Australia had done so much for suffering Australians as you have, health and well-being that you have given, far surpasses everything else that can be done for mankind on earth.
You gave of your best to help all who came to you, whether it was Lady Gowrie, the Governor’s wife who came to you for treatment (though she could have had any Doctor in Adelaide), or whether it was the poorest person without a penny, yet “blind’ people have attacked you for your goodness, it is a wonder the earth did not swallow them.
I am a triple-certified nurse, and from my knowledge and personal experience of your wonderful treatment, I consider you the real Medical man in Australia, I would not go to Doctors (a title forbidden to you) because I dread the use of the knife and drugs. You know the human body from A to Z; and have the only methods and ways that the human body, a work of God, can be kept healthy and made healthy when it is diseased.
It seems terrible that because of the blindness of men, you, though you have spent a lifetime trying to help Australians, have not been able to help a fraction of the people, have not been able to give health to all the people and put them in the right direction to always maintaining it, as you could and would have done. But God knows all you have done and tried to do. He knows the insults you have to put up with from people of the Nation you were trying to help. God will reward you, but it seems a pity that the people have missed all you could have done for them. (When our King died recently, I felt you could have cured his complaint). I have a very high opinion of your treatments and cures, for everything mankind is suffering.
Then there are the abuses you pointed out, one is the causes of disease through the use of aluminium for cooking.
As you say, a vast lot of aluminium is absorbed into the body, (as an example – old cutlery can be re-plated by putting it into an aluminium saucepan, with some washing soda and water, and boiled, the cutlery comes out like new, re-coated from the saucepan). You have tried to point out the innumerable causes of most diseases, and how much more you could have helped if given the opportunity, but you did your best against heavy odds. I say “Thank you” with all my heart; if Australia will not.
Because I am interested in helping suffering humanity, and realise how you could alleviate it, I would, if I could, appoint you if you would accept it, Medical Superintendent of Australia; with control of all medical treatment and learning from the University onwards. What a healthy nation we would be, cancer abolished, stoppages of the alarming toll of men in the prime of life, dropping suddenly dead, and all the other scourges from which mankind is suffering.
I wonder if you would mind sending this letter to “Truth”. They can publish it if they please. I am grateful to “Truth” for they have always given you a fair deal. I am a trained nurse, trained and Registered in Australia, Registered in Adelaide. I have not had any disagreement with the Medical Profession, and the men who comprise it are all good, doing their best within their limits, to help the sick and suffering who come to them, it is not the medical men at fault, but the medical system in which they are trained and bound to obey there seems some power over them that should not exist.
You rightly point out also the evils of Usury [underlined], for by it the control of the money of the world and with it all power, has got into the hands of the minority. Some of the results of usury are the control of everything by this minority. After the war, it was said that one Company controlled eighty percent of all chemical manufacture of the world. This power may give this minority control soon over all medical systems and indirectly force methods to be used in them not to the good of suffering humanity. This power could also be the cause of your not being accepted as the great medical man that you are, because you would not bow under the tyranny of this power, all your treatments are independent of this power, and your thousands of cures must have lost this power thousands of pounds. You are free in all the good you do for suffering mankind, as all medical men should be to enable them to do their best. Usury is the cause of most of the ills of the world, physical and material, for by it a minority have got control of the money of the world. The world Bank, Press, Radio, Cinema, Commerce, Shipping etc. - are responsible for the high prices, drinking, gambling, etc. and cause all wars. The control of all money gives them such power that they can squeeze a country financially, thus forcing them to borrow from the world bank, then through this money which has been stolen from the people they try to boss the people with it, want to take away their freedom, and taken away Democracy. Take away the power of the people to govern their own bounty.
You, Mahomad Allum, have not only done your best to give people health, you have tried to warn them of the evil consequences of Usury [underlined]. The results and power from usury are the indirect cause of the ungrateful treatment you have received, and the cause of the Australian people being deprived of the benefits of your wonderful cures.
Yours gratefully,
(Sister) Clare Peters.
P.S. Am just passing through New Zealand, hence no permanent address.
P.S.S. Have just remembered how mention is made of your money, but not enough of money you have given away. One instance, years ago, when Mrs. Goode was head of the (if this is not correct will you alter it) “Housewives Association”, she brought a girl to you, you knowing what is wrong with
anyone by just looking at them, and at once said to the girl “There is nothing wrong with you, you are just home-sick. Why don’t you go home”. She replied, “I am from England and have not the money to go home”. You gave her her passage money, and money to spend. This is forgotten, and hundreds of similar cases. When I first went to you, medicine was given to me, and everybody else without any payment. Years after, when I had left Adelaide, and came back for some treatment which you gave free, and also insisted on my having my meals at your place, delicious meals and delicious medicinal curry, healthgiving [sic], not Australian curry.
Yes, the number of fishes in the sea, could only describe the number of your good deeds. Your treatments aid and restore the natural functions of the body to do their work, it is done so quietly that many people, on feeling better, may think, I wonder if I had anything wrong with me, and thus probably you may not receive the credit for a lot of your cures. Your respect for the human body is such that, even the combings from Babe Nora’s hair and cuttings from her nails were not allowed to be burnt, but had to be returned to the earth. If you had injured a human body you would have felt guilty before God, yet blind-minded men endeavored to deprive Australians of the good you would do them and enable them, with the health you would give, to enjoy the eventide of life, which is really the best of life.
A sign should be written in the sky to tell the people of Australia the treasures they have been deprived of and are losing.
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