Minute to the Collector of Customs, Melbourne.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that the National Archives' website and collection contain the names, images and voices of people who have died.
Some records include terms and views that are not appropriate today. They reflect the period in which they were created and are not the views of the National Archives.
Minute to the Collector of Customs, Melbourne.
[Heading:] Subject:
Immigration Act 1901-1920.
Application for C.E.D.T.
Mrs. So Sym Choon (Chinese) and her daughter Dorothy Sym Choon - Australian born Chinese.
[dividing line]
The Collector,
Herewith C.E.D.Ts for signature.
2. Mrs So Sym Choon and Miss Dorothy Sym Choon intend leaving Adelaide by train about 24th February 1923 and proceeding overland to embark on the S.S. “ST. ALBANS” at Melbourne for China 1/3/23.
3. They have been instructed to call on the Collector of Customs, Customs House, Melbourne, for their certificates. Fees paid Receipt No. 88661/2 of 8/2/23.
4. Miss Dorothy Sym Choon was informed that it would be advisable to have her left and right thumb impressions on the C.E.D. T. to save her any trouble should she require to land at any other port in the Commonwealth, but she stated that she certainly objected to having her thumb prints taken and did not anticipate any trouble whatever as she was well known in Sydney and Melbourne.
5. Taxation certificate attached.
[Handwritten signature:] W. Wadlow
Senior Boarding Inspector. [Underlined]
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