Casualty form
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that the National Archives' website and collection contain the names, images and voices of people who have died.
Some records include terms and views that are not appropriate today. They reflect the period in which they were created and are not the views of the National Archives.
Casualty form
[Small text, top left corner:] 92431 – W16400 1535 – 2,000,000 – J.J.K & Co. Ltd – Forms B. 105/1[.]
[Top right corner, bold.] Army Form B. 103.
[Heading, bold:] Casualty Form – Active Service.
Regiment or Corps[:] 21st Battalion A.I.F./ 1st Reinforcements.
[Stamped in purple ink:] 29 AUG 1915
Regimental No.[:] 1553
Rank[:] Pte [Private]
Name[:] Martin James
Enlisted (a)[:] 12/4/15.
Terms of Service (a [italicised])[:] A.I.F.
Service reckons from (a)[:] [No response.]
Date of Promotion to pre[illegible, damage to document][:] [No response.]
Date of appointment to lance rank[:] [No response.]
Numerical position on roll of N.C.Os.[:] [No response.]
[illegible, damage to paper: No response.]
Re-engaged[:] [No response.]
Qualification (b)[:] [No response.]
[Dividing line.]
[The following information is presented in table format.]
[Table headers, from left to right.]
From Whom received
Record of promotions, reductions, transfers, casualties, etc. during active service, as reported on Army Form B. 213. Army Form A. 36. Or in other official documents. The authority to be quoted in each case.
Remarks taken from Army Form b. 213. Army Form A. 36. Or other official documents.
[Typed response located above table entries reads ‘EMBARKED – 28/6/15’.]
[Table responses read left to right in line with different columns of the table.]
[Date:] 30/10/15
[Received from:] 21st Bn (Battalion)
[Record:] Sent to hospital – sick.
[Place:] Anzac.
[Date:] 25/10/15
[Remarks:] DO 25/1229.
[Date:] 30/10/15
[Received from:] Glenart Castle / 73
[Record:] Syncope after enteritis
[Place:] Anzac.
[Date:] 25/10/15
[Remarks:] A16608.
[Date:] 30/10/15
[Received from:] do./65 77
[Record:] died of enteritis. Buried at sea.
[Place:] At sea. "
[Date:] 25/10/15 26/10/15
[Remarks:] A15945.D023/1109. M.F.C. No. 24726/7. A17254[illegible, crossed out] P1198
[Date:] 8/12/15
[Received from:] [handwritten signature, illegible]
[Record:] Buried by Rev [Reverend] Basker at sea from 'Glenart Castle'
[Place:] At sea
[Date:] 25.10.15
[Remarks:] V168
[Handwritten initials, read: 'JH'.]
(a) In the case of a man who has re-engaged for, or enlisted into Section D. Army Reserve particulars of such re-engagement or enlistment will be entered.
(b) e.g. Signaller, Shoeing Smith, etc., etc., also special qualifications in technical Corps duties.
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