[Printed letterhead in blue ink:]
E.T. No. 1.
This Message has been received subject to the Post and Telegraph Act and Regulations.
All complaints to be addressed in writing to the Deputy Postmaster-General
[end letterhead.]
[Stamp in top right corner reads 'OFFICE DATE STAMP.' with illegible text in black ink written inside the stamp.]
[Stamped in blue ink: 'CUSTOMS & EXCISE', 'SOUTH AUSTRALIA', '0687', '1 2 09'.]
[dividing line]
[Text printed along left edge of page reads:] NOTE. - The figures at the bottom represent the time lodged at Sending Station and time received at this Office respectively.
Remarks [handwritten] 15 am [end handwritten]
Station from, No. of Words, and Check.
[Handwritten:] Edithburgh 49 7/- Coll
[Message follows, handwritten in black ink:]
Collr [Collector] Customs
Steamer Clan Ranal bound for South Africa laden wheat when off troubridge cargo shifted vessel sunk off troubridge Hill up till now eighteen bodies recovered Police & settlers searching coast and arranging saved [inserted note reads 'crew mostly lascars brought'] to Edithburgh Please advise re coloured crew
Allen n a
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