[Stamped in red ink ‘HOME & TERRITORIES’, ‘1923’, ‘22340’. Written over stamp in red ink ‘PP23/19847’.]
[Letterhead for ‘PARKER & KISSANE, SOLICITORS, &c.’]
8th September 1923
[Stamped in red ink: ‘M. SEP 12’.]
The Secretary for Home Affairs
Dear Sir
[underlined heading:] re GULAM MAHOMMED.
We are in receipt of yours of the 21st ultimo herein. Mr Shah Mahommed who as we have pointed out is a very respectable citizen after perusing your letter gave us the enclosed list of names of Indians who have entered the Commonwealth during the years 1921 and 1922 after being absent from 18 to 20 years.
In the circumstances Mr Shah Mahommed asks us to renew the application on his behalf and is hopeful that if favoured consideration cannot be given the Department might fix a time after which his brother might be admitted.
We may say that application was made 8 years ago for the re-admission of this man but it is not clear whether permission was granted or not. Apparently, it was not granted,so that this application is but a renewal of a previous application.
Yours faithfully
[Handwritten signature:] Parker & Kissane
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