A document containing extracts from German newspapers regarding the Australian army.
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A document containing extracts from German newspapers regarding the Australian army.
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[Subheading] German Comment on Australian Army.
Population Too Small.
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BERLIN, Tuesday.
In a leading article entitled "The Wrong Road" the "Frankfurter Zeitung" declares that Australia, with 7,000,000 inhabitants, can never produce an army capable of coping with a great Power.
"The provoking disparity which exists between the empty steppes of Australia and the over-filled areas of other countries has been recognised even in Australia itself," states the newspaper. “But the demand of far-sighted men for increased immigration has been constantly opposed by the Australian workmen, who were afraid of losing their high rates of pay.
"But without the support of a wide agricultural and working population," continues the article, "an army is without strength. It remains one of the most powerful lessons of history that large areas empty of human beings act on neighbouring States like a suction pump.
"No amount of moral declamation can alter the fact that this sight has an enormous power of attraction for the over-populated countries."
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