[Image in black ink shows an outline of the shape of Japan, with the word 'JAPAN' written inside, directly next to the shape of Australia placed at the north-west side of Australia. There is text printed both outside and inside the images.]
[Text next to shape of Japan reads:] Acreage 150,9,67,040[.] Population 60,000,000[.] To 1 million acres [bracket] 400,000[.]
[text inside shape of Australia reads:] WHY NOT SETTLE OUR IDLE LANDS WITH WHITE MEN? AUSTRALIA[.]
Acreage 1904,000,000[.] Population 5,500,000[.] To 1 million acres in area colored [sic] white [bracket] about 10[.]
[the south west and south east coast of Australia diagram are shaded. Majority of Tasmania is also shaded.]
[text under shape of Australia reads:] A Study in Comparative Populations[.]
Prepared by the Million Farms Campaign Committee[.]
10 Castlereagh Street
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