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COPY No. 11
Canberra, 2nd March, 1966
Decision No. 52
[Subheading:] Submission No. 31 – Entry and Stay of Non-Europeans.
The Cabinet noted the Submission and indicated that it would agree in broad terms, though not in all detail, to the proposals put forward. Particulars of agreement (and non-agreement) are indicated in paragraphs 4 and 5 below.
2. But as an introductory part of its decision, the Cabinet wished it to be clear that its discussion and its decision are to be taken specifically within the context, which the Submission itself sets out (e.g. in paragraphs 2 [handwritten addition: 44] and 10 [handwritten addition: 42]) that the basic principles of Australia's immigration policy are not in question, and that no reduction of those principles in any policy is intended. Such changes in administration which this decision approves are therefore to be understood as desirable changes in detail which can be made without damage to or, indeed, possibly with advantage to, basic policy.
3. It follows from paragraph 2 above that the changes now approved should not be the means of giving rise to new admissions of non-Europeans in large numbers. [Sentence emphasised by a handwritten vertical line in the right margin.]
4. The specific decisions of the Cabinet were that the general lines of the recommendations as set out in paragraph 26 are approved, but - [handwritten at right margin: 636]
(a) the proposal made in paragraph 16 (and this in 26(i)) [handwritten addition: 35] that non-Europeans now eligible to enter for indefinite stay under temporary entry permit, should in future be eligible to enter with normal permanent residence status,
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[Heading:] Decision No. 52 (Continued)
was [underlined] not approved [end underline] - that is to say that, although the eligibility to apply for permanent residence status and citizenship after five years' residence which paragraph 19 (b) [handwritten '38' inserted] contemplates, is to be available to such persons, their original entry is to continue to be on temporary entry permit; and
(b) the proposal in paragraph 19(b) (and this in 26(ii)) that British subjects who are non-Europeans should be eligible for citizenship after twelve months' residence is not approved, it being decided that they should remain on the same footing for this purpose as aliens who are non-Europeans.
5. Subject to the above paragraph, the recommendations of the Submission were approved. The Cabinet indicated that it would wish the Minister, for a period of a few years at least, to provide an annual statement of the number of non-European admissions.
6. The Cabinet gave attention also to the list circulated by the Minister of examples of non-European people who, under his proposals, would be admitted as settlers in numbers greater than previously. It drew attention in this list to Items 3 and 6 in particular.
[Handwritten annotation in right margin:] Can we get it? See [illegible] 59/64 particularly [illegible] 61. HG 31/3. [End annotation.]
7. Item 3, which reads - "Persons qualified to fill a vital need in undermanned professions" - although allowed to stand, was made the subject of special observation to the Minister to the effect that this category must be carefully watched and administered -
(i) so as to not give rise to unacceptable increases in numbers; and
(ii) so as to ensure that persons who are admitted to give a particular service in a profession do in fact devote themselves to that purpose and do not merely use it as a means of entry into Australia for their own purposes.
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[Heading] Decision No. 52 (Continued)
8. Item 6, which reads - "Former students at Australian Universities, technical colleges and the like, who after graduating here have given substantial periods of service in their own countries" - was, after discussion, struck out, the view being taken by the Cabinet, first, that it may give rise to a belief on the part of students, who are a very numerous category, that a right of permanent return to Australia exists, and, secondly, that the emigration to Australia of former students could scarcely have the approval of the students' home countries.
Certified true copy
[Handwritten signature:] G J Bunting
Secretary to Cabinet
[Each name has handwritten initials written over it, and the first is dated 16/3.]
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