World War I attestation form of Chinese-Australian Herbert Kong-Meng.
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World War I attestation form of Chinese-Australian Herbert Kong-Meng.
[Page header printed in black ink reads 'AUSTRALIAN [coat of arms of Australia] MILITARY FORCES.'. 'AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE.', 'COPY OF RECORD.'.]
Name in full
Surname[:] KONG-MENG,
Christian Name[:] Herbert.
Unit[:] 7th Battalion.
Joined on[:] 1.9.14. At[:] Broadmeadows, Vic. [Victoria.]
[Dividing line.]
[Bold subheading:] Questions to be put to the Person Enlisting Before Attestation.
[The following information is presented in two columns, with questions on the left and typed answers on the right.]
1. What is your name?
2. In or near what Parish or Town were you born?
2. In the Parish of Melbourne
in or near the Town of Melbourne,
in the Country of Victoria.
3. Are you a Natural-born British Subject or a Naturalized British Subject? (N.B. – if the latter, papers to be shown)
3. Natural born.
4. What is your Age?
4. 38 years.
5. What is your Trade or Calling?
5. Grazier.
6. Are you married?
6. No.
7. Who is your next of kin? (Address and relationship to be stated)
The answer to this question shall not be construed as in the nature of a will.
7. Sidney KONG-MENG
8. Do you now belong to, or have you ever served in, His Majesty's Army, the Marines, the Militia, the Militia Reserve, the Territorial Force, Royal Navy, or Colonial Forces? If so, state which, and if not now serving, state cause of discharge
8. Yes. 16th Light Horse 13 1/2 yrs [years]. Now serving.
9. Have you ever been rejected as unfit for His Majesty's Service? If so, on what grounds?
9. No.
[Dividing line.]
[Bold subheading:] Description of H. KONG-MENG. [name typed] on Enlistment
[Dividing line.]
Age[:] 38 years [blank] months.
Height[:] 5 feet 4 inches.
Weight[:] 9 st. 8 lb.
Chest Measurement[:] 34/35 1/2. inches.
Complexion[:] Dark.
Eyes[:] Brown.
Hair[:] Dark.
Religious Denomination[:] C of Eng. [Church of England]
[Five hyphens to indicate crossing out of field.]
Chinese-Australian brothers Herbert and George Kong-Meng both attempted to enlist in the First World War but only Herbert was accepted. George received a certificate from the medical officer stating that he was 'not substantially of European origin or descent'.
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