Description of Thomas Albert Hughes [name handwritten] on Enlistment.
[Dividing line.]
[The responses in the following section are all handwritten.]
Age[:] 25 years [response blank] months.
Height[:] 5 feet 10 1/2 inches.
Weight[:] 152 lbs.
Chest Measurement[:] 34-37 inches.
Complexion[:] Gray [crossed out. Replaced with:] Fresh
Eyes[:] Dark [crossed out. Replaced with:] Gray
Hair[:] Dark
Religious Denomination[:] R.C. [Roman Catholic.]
Tattoo mark right arm.
Advance Australia
[Dividing line.]
I HAVE examined the above-named person, and find that he does not present any of the following conditions, viz. :-
Scrofula; phthisis; syphilis; impaired constitution; defective intelligence; defects of vision, voice, or hearing; hernia; hæmorrhoids [sic]; varicose veins, beyond a limited extent; marked varicocele with unusually pendent testicle; inveterate cutaneous disease; chronic ulcers; traces of corporal punishment, or evidence of having been marked with the letters D. or B.C.; contracted or deformed chest; abnormal curvature of spine; or any other disease or physical defect calculated to unfit him for the duties of a soldier.
He can see the required distance with either eye; his heart and lungs are healthy; he has the free use of his joints and limbs; and he declares he is not subject to fits of any description.
I consider him fit for active service.
Date[:] 5th June 1915 [date handwritten.]
Place[:] Sydney [word handwritten.]
[Handwritten signature:] sgd. [signed] R Whiston Walsh
Signature of Examining Medical Officer.
[Dividing line.]
I CERTIFY that this Attestation of the above-named person is correct, and that the required forms have been compiled with. I accordingly approve, and appoint him
to Siege Brigade A.I.F. [Australian Imperial Force] [unit handwritten.]
Date[:] 15th June 1915 [date handwritten.]
Place[:] Melbourne [place handwritten.]
[Handwritten signature, illegible] Lt Col [Lieutenant Colonel.]
Commanding [italicised] Siege Brigade A.I.F. [Australian Imperial Force.]
About this record
Thomas Albert Hughes, a First World War serviceman, altered his surname from the Chinese 'Huey' and had an 'Advance Australia' tattoo inked on his arm.
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