Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that the National Archives' website and collection contain the names, images and voices of people who have died.
Some records include terms and views that are not appropriate today. They reflect the period in which they were created and are not the views of the National Archives.
[page 1]
[Stamp] Intelligence Section General Staff [handwritten in black ink] 16/1479 [end handwritten] 3rd. Military District
[Letterhead in black ink. Logo with voided letters 'GCC', for 'German Concentration Camps', surmounted by a King's crown.] GERMAN CONCENTRATION CAMPS, AUSTRALIA
LIVERPOOL, N.S.W., [typed in blue ink] 22nd September [end typed] 19 [typed in blue ink] 16
Captain Jones
Intelligence Section
3rd Military District
Dear Sir
Lieutenant Black spoke to me to-day about the question of interning married people at Berrima with special reference to Baroness von Kusserow. From the point of view of the administration of these Camps it would be extremely inadvisable to make any exception to the general rule in this case. The only women who are allowed to live with their husbands at Berrima are the wives of interned ships' officers of the mercantile marine. These women were with their husbands at the time of their internment and had no friends in or associations with this country. They were allowed therefore to go up to Berrima. But the internees in this Camp are a special class with privileges not enjoyed by other prisoners of war. Theynare [sic] allowed a very wide parole and special precautions are taken that this parole will not be abused. These precautions could not be taken in von Kusserow's case so parole could not be given to him to even alllow [sic] him to go there without his wife.
There is also an additional reason that if this concession were granted in his case it would be a precedent for other cases of a similar nature and there would be a regular flood of applications from every married man in the Compound. [end typed]
[end page 1]
[page 2]
[Stamp] Intelligence Section General Staff [handwritten in black ink] 16/1479 [end handwritten] 3rd. Military District
[Letterhead in black ink. Logo with voided letters 'GCC', for 'German Concentration Camps', surmounted by a King's crown.] GERMAN CONCENTRATION CAMPS, AUSTRALIA
LIVERPOOL, N.S.W., [blank] 19
[typed in blue ink] Berrima in itself is not a very suitable spot for interning married people. There is no proper accommodation for any number and it would be impossible to allow any more to live up there under the present conditions.
Major Griffiths is at present away from Camp so I am writing this letter for him. We are still watching Noelle's correspondence with Mrs Gregory. It seems to be mostly a catalogue of Ruskin's works.
yours faithfully [end typed]
[Signature in black ink]
[typed in blue ink] Lieut. and Adjutant
for Commandant, Concentration Camps [end typed]
[Handwritten in red] Cannot be done
[Initial in red] 28/9/16
[Initial in red]
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