[Handwritten in top right corner:] M39/792
[Stamped in red ink 'S.O.I. AND R.S.' [Staff Officer Invalided and Returned Soldiers', '5TH M.D.' [Military District], with reference number '18/8/74' handwritten inside stamp.]
This is to certify that Staff Nurse O'Kane of 1st, M.D. of Queensland, died at Quarantine Station, Woodmans Point, at 1.45. p.m. on December 21st, 1918. The cause of death being Pneumonic-Influenza. Next of kin, Mother, [word crossed out] Mrs. J.E. O'Kane, Ryan St. Charters Towers, Queensland.
[Handwritten signature:] J A R Mitchell MB CLM
R.M.O. Quarantine Station,
Woodmans Point.
About this record
Nurse Rosa O’Kane volunteered to care for sick World War I servicemen who, while returning to Australia on board the SS Boonah, were struck down with pneumonic influenza (the Spanish Flu). O’Kane was tending to soldiers at a quarantine station when she too became fatally ill.
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