Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that the National Archives' website and collection contain the names, images and voices of people who have died.
Some records include terms and views that are not appropriate today. They reflect the period in which they were created and are not the views of the National Archives.
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[Underlined] COPY
[Stamped in blue ink: 'DEPT. OF REPATRIATION', 'HEADQUARTERS', 'OCT 15 1918', with reference number stamped in different ink 'B 6110'.]
Birdwood Terrace,
Senator M. Reid,
Parliament House,
[Underlined] Melbourne.
Dear Friend,
Knowing your kindness of heart and ever readiness to help those whom you think are not getting a fair deal, I am writing on behalf of a Returned Soldier, Corporal Joseph Slack, M.M.? A. Company, 15th Battalion one of the [underlined] Original Anzacs [end underlined]. I have taken an interest in him ever since he came back about 2 1/2 years ago severely wounded, for the reason that he was in the same tent with my son (who was killed at "Courtenay's Post") at the camps at Enoggeia, Broadmeadows, Egypt and Gallipoli.
He fought in the South African War, and was 44 years of age when he enlisted in Brisbane for service in the present war, he is a big lump of a man, and used to be a miner, his mining experience proved of great service at Gallipoli, both the Turks and Australians were mining below the trenches, and it became a question as to who should get in first, Mr. Slack recognised from the sounds heard by him that the Turks were almost ready for firing their mines, but he got in first and blew up the enemy's mines, thus saving the lives of his comrades, while adding to the death roll of the Turks. For his service, he was awarded the Military Medal. Unfortunately when he got back to Brisbane he was rather too fond of the drink, and the bad habit of "shouting for the returned soldiers" was the cause of his at times getting beyond the bounds of moderation. Afterwards he pulled himself together and was upcountry for a while superintending some excavation work, and latterly was employed by the Railway Department as night watchman at the Railway Commissioner's Office in George Street, my daughter and myself often visited him there and although he was very hard of hearing the result of gunshot wound s [sic][…]
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[Stamped in blue ink: 'DEPT. OF REPATRIATION', 'HEADQUARTERS', 'OCT 15 1918', with reference number stamped in different ink 'B 6110'.]
[…]in the head we always enjoyed the meetings finding him a very intelligent man above the average, and very kind hearted.
Between 3 or 4 months ago he got some money, and again the drink was the cause of trouble. I believe he had a fight, with the result that he was taken to the Brisbane Hospital and was there some weeks, when he was getting better the Medical Officer advised him to go to a "Home for soldiers at Dunwich, where there were Nurses and doctors, plenty of fishing etc., and three months holiday there would set him up again. When he got down to Dunwich he found instead of its being a [underlined] Rest Home [end underlined], he had signed on for three months at the "Home for Inebriates" at Dunwich. Unfortunately, I am not able to get down to Dunwich to see Mr. Slack but my daughter writes every week and sends him newspapers etc. but he does not write back for the reason that [section underlined] All correspondence inward and outward has to be censored by the Medical or other Officer [end underlined]. [handwritten line drawn at left margin next to underlined sentence.]
Is this a fair deal for the men who have fought and bled for us? I know what your opinion is -
Mrs Hutchinson (The mother of a soldier son, who was also a tent mate of Corporal Slack and my son, and after being three times wounded is again back in the fighting line) and her step daughter Mrs. Harvey (whose son was killed in action a few weeks ago) have visited Corporal Slack several times at Dunwich, tell me how very depressing it is for these brave returned heroes, suffering from shell shock etc to see the open graves, the funerals, the miserable wrecks of humanity, surely with all their faults, those who have so nobly fought for us deserve better treatment than this.
Will you kindly place the matter before the Federal Authorities, and ask them to get some of these palpable wrongs righted. September 4th
Under separate cover I am sending a copy of "the Link" which on pages 6 and 7 give a report of a visit paid to Dunwich by Mrs. Crampton Andrews, of the Returned Soldiers Industrial Institute made famous by Minister for Education Mr. Hardacre and defeated Labour candidate Mr. McMinn - Excuse my long letter but as a Soldier dad I feel very strongly on the subject, but I know it is in good hands now. With best personal wishes and regards,
Yours truly,
Mr S Parkinson sent this two-page letter to Queensland Senator Matthew Reid in October 1918. Parkinson raises the case of a returned soldier, Corporal Joseph Slack, who had served with Parkinson’s son. He explains the contribution that Slack made during the war and suggests he is suffering from ‘shell shock’. Despite this, Parkinson claims, Slack has been inappropriately sent to the Dunwich ‘Home for Inebriates’ – that is, ‘drunkards’ – located at the Dunwich Benevolent Asylum.
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