Recruitment poster for the Australian Imperial Force (AIF).
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Recruitment poster for the Australian Imperial Force (AIF).
Are you shooting breakers when
[Black and white drawing of a man lying on a surfboard]
[Black and white photo of a man lying on grass with a sniper rifle]/
Unless every fit, eligible man joins the A.I.F. there are breakers ahead which no one [italicised] can ride! Unless you want to see enemy troops on Australia beaches—join with the A.I.F. and stop them! The need is more urgent than you realise—and Australia’s peril greater than you know. Play a man’s part—enlist NOW!
Get square with your conscience:
Enlist to-day
[Large bold text:] JOIN THE AIF
This is a black-and-white recruitment poster for the Australian Imperial Force captioned, 'Are you shooting breakers when YOU SHOULD BE BEHIND A GUN?'. The poster shows a photograph of a soldier lying on the ground shooting a Bren light machine gun. Behind him is a sketch of a man surfing in a similar pose. Text at the bottom of the image appeals to men to 'Get square with your conscience: Enlist to-day. JOIN THE AIF'.
Learning resource text © Education Services Australia Limited and the National Archives of Australia 2010.
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