The Palace Letters

National Archives of Australia holds correspondence between Australia’s former governors-general and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. These are colloquially known as the Palace Letters.

Written during each governor-general’s time in office, the letters provide insights into:

  • the personalities and events of the time
  • political developments and public sentiment in Australia
  • the workings of the Australian Government and parliament
  • the official duties and responsibilities of the governor-general
  • the relationship between the Palace, the Queen’s private secretary and the governor-general
  • constitutional issues.

Accessing the letters

The Palace Letters of each governor-general become eligible for access once they reach the open access period.

You can access them via our collection database, RecordSearch.

A sample of selected records is also available on this page in PDF.

Letters of the following governors-general have come into the open period under the Archives Act 1983 and are now available for public access.

Sir William Deane (1996–2001)

The Hon William Hayden (1989–96)

Sir Ninian Stephen (1982–89)

Sir Zelman Cowen (1977–82)

Sir John Kerr (1974–77)

Sir Paul Hasluck (1969–74)

Lord Casey (1965–69)