2. Implement fit-for-purpose information management processes, practices and systems

Implementing the actions on this page will help your agency implement fit-for-purpose information management processes, practices and systems that meet identified needs for information asset creation, use and re-use. This is a requirement of the Building trust in the public record policy.

We have provided resources to help you meet each of the policy actions.

Actions and resources

Action 9: Manage all digital information assets created from 1 January 2016, digitally. Information assets created digitally from this date, that are eligible for transfer to the National Archives, will be accepted in digital format only

This is a mandatory action.


Action 10: Ensure business systems, including whole-of-government systems, meet functional and minimum metadata requirements for information management


Action 11: Assess interoperability maturity based on business and stakeholder needs. Identify interoperability maturity gaps and plan to address them


Action 12: Implement strategies, including storage and preservation strategies, for the management of all information assets


Action 13: Create digital information assets in sustainable digital formats
