Adelaide University to establish Julia Gillard Prime Ministerial Library
Former Prime Minister The Hon Julia Gillard AC, National Archives of Australia and the University of Adelaide have agreed to establish the Julia Gillard Prime Ministerial Library on the University’s North Terrace campus, bringing the archive of documents from Ms Gillard’s career and Prime Ministership closer to the public.
Julia Gillard
Senator the Hon Dean Smith
Dean Smith has been a Liberal Senator for Western Australia since May 2012.
Records related to institutional responses to child sexual abuse
Records disposal freeze: Records related to institutional responses to child sexual abuse - Details of the records disposal freeze issued on 31 January 2013
National Disability Insurance Scheme
Listening is one of the most important ways to initiate change. Disability advocates continue to lobby the government to improve the NDIS.
Freedom of information disclosure log
This disclosure log lists information which has been released in response to a freedom of information (FOI) access request.
Administrative Arrangements Orders
This page provides links to extracts from the Gazette outlining changes to Administrative orders
The 2001 Cabinet papers in context
Background to the 2001 Cabinet papers by Dr Chris Wallace, University of Canberra
The 2000 Cabinet papers in context
Background to the 2000 Cabinet papers by Dr Chris Wallace, University of Canberra